共 8 条近义词
荣获光荣获取。例荣获冠军。英have the honour to get or win;[查看详情]
负责担负责任。例我负责照管他让他和我在一起吧。英be responsible for; be in charge of;[查看详情]
负重肩负重荷。例负重泅渡。英bear a heavy burden;[查看详情]
负担费用开支。英charge;承受的责任。例家庭负担。精神负担。英burden; encumbrance;[查看详情]
承担负担或担当。例承担战争的费用。由联合公司承担起来的公债。英assume; undertake; endure; hold;[查看详情]
担当担负;承担。例担当重任。英take on; bear the burden; assume the responsibility;[查看详情]
担负承当职务、义务或任务。例担负维持秩序的责任。英take up; be responsible for; be charged with;[查看详情]
担任担当某种职务工作。英take the office of; hold the post of; take charge of; assume the office of;[查看详情]